How to Reach Out to Busy People

How to Reach Out to Busy People

It’s no secret that meeting the perfect person may help you achieve your goals – whether a new job, a business boost, or an experienced viewpoint that alters everything. However, the “correct” person often has a full schedule and seems to be under constant time pressure. So, how can you make contact with these harried individuals?

Despite appearances, busy individuals are not separated from “regular people” by an unbreakable force barrier.

They are, however, more discriminating in how they spend their time. (You should be more selective with your time.)

Most individuals believe that being sleazy, slimy, and scammy leads to relationships with powerful people. They see a slick-haired businessman fluttering about a “networking event,” tossing out business cards and then winking, saying, “Catch ya later!”

Bad, wrong, and more wrong.

You’ll notice that spending a week attempting to meet with one person is considerably more effective than going to random networking events. In this scenario, “less is more” – focusing on meeting fascinating, relevant individuals rather than throwing your business cards into the breeze is significantly more beneficial. I don’t have any business cards at all.

We’ll go through the three stages to connecting with busy individuals today:

  1. How can you persuade overworked folks to meet with you?
  2. What to say when you encounter someone busy or crucial
  3. How to make sure busy folks don’t forget about you

In addition, I’ll provide My 5 Word-for-Word Scripts for Writing Effective Emails.

1. How can you persuade overworked folks to meet with you?

If you need to know how to catch the attention of VIPs, don’t do the following:

Notice how he admits that he should concentrate on ME (the busy person)…

Then he goes and does the exact opposite!

You may begin by writing a letter that says, “Hey, I saw you’re doing some pretty intriguing things.”

This is something I began doing in high school. I’d be reading a magazine and come across an intriguing article about someone doing something fascinating. “Hey, I read about you in Wired,” I’d just drop them an email. That’s fantastic, and I’ll be keeping an eye on your work.” Even after being highlighted in the national news, it turns out that most individuals don’t receive wonderful emails like that from people who don’t want anything from them.

Later in college, I would seek out fascinating teachers and send them emails inquiring about their work. They would usually advise me to come to see them during office hours, and that’s how I ended up with so many mentors and advisors.

(An important question to ask in meetings with VIPs is, “Who else should I be speaking with?”) They won’t only recommend folks if you’ve impressed them; they’ll frequently introduce you to them.)

Let’s pretend you’re interested in fashion. You aspire to be a designer. What should you do first?

Would you send Calvin Klein an email? No, a top-tier designer receives hundreds of emails from customers requesting their services every day.

Begin with a more accessible individual, such as a fashion blogger or a freelance writer. They are familiar with the area, have contacts, and can assist you in gaining a better understanding of the terrain. This is the hard labor I mentioned before. Everyone would do it if getting a meeting with Calvin Klein (or anybody) was as simple as emailing.

Make a list of ten individuals with whom you’d want to connect. Begin with the following individuals: People with a job title that you’d want to learn more about. People who work at firms where you’d want to work in the future. And individuals doing intriguing things about which you’d want to learn more (e.g., you read about them in a magazine/blog piece).

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Find out what their email address is. You have failed at life if you can’t discover this. But because you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re cool.

Take note of how these are win-win situations for everyone. Nobody is taking advantage of you. You’re not a con artist (a common invisible script for networking). What you’re doing is, first and foremost, providing value. even if you don’t have a lot of money or important connections

At the last of this page, I’ve included my 5 Word-for-Word Scripts for Writing Effective Emails.

How did folks manage to get in touch with me?

Many individuals have contacted me. Others stuck out, a few met with me, and I’ve even assisted some in finding work (or even hired them myself). By the way, I’m not significant; I’m simply using myself as an example of someone who receives a large number of emails each day (1000+), making it difficult to contact me. Here are some of the things the victors got right:

  • They made touch via a personal connection. If they didn’t have one, they spent time researching people I knew to find one. (The information is available.) Facebook, Twitter, the 8 million pages I’ve written, and my book’s “Acknowledgements” page. This isn’t just about me; it applies to any busy person you’d want to meet.)
  • They clarified any parallels we had. What if a real alum reaches out to me? Perhaps they grew up in my neighborhood or attended my high school. If it’s more convenient, a phone call or a coffee meeting will nearly always get my attention.
  • They communicated with a SHORT, CONCISE EMAIL. So that you don’t automatically remove yourself, I’ll show you the precise terms to use below.

Consequently, many of these individuals stood out among the tens of thousands of other people who sent comments, emails, and tweets.

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2. What to say when you encounter someone busy or crucial

The finest top achievers have an extraordinary capacity to reach out to even the busiest individuals. Still, they also can transform a one-time encounter into a long-term connection. And, in the long run, that is more valuable than nearly any technical ability or quantity of experience.

There are a few crucial things to remember after you’ve scheduled a meeting:

  1. ASK INFORMATIVE Inquiries – Don’t waste someone’s time asking questions that can be answered quickly using Google. It’s impolite, reducing your chances of connecting with the individual.

That is an excellent question: “I saw you did XYZ,” says the narrator. It’s intriguing since [INSERT NAME OF VIP] did ABC differently. What was your thought process when you made that decision?”

What exactly does someone in your position do?” “I’m so miserable at work,” is a bad question. I believe I would like to do what you are doing.

To keep the discussion going, I put together a few more examples of intelligent questions in this video:

  1. PAY ATTENTION FOR 90% OF THE INTERVIEW — Yes, they’ll be chatting most of the time — not you. Only make intelligent remarks now and again to demonstrate that you’ve done your study.
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Remember that you’re trying to learn from them, and the best way to do it is to LISTEN. You should spend the remaining 10% of your time telling them what you’re working on and asking for specific recommendations. This strategy is often so successful that the person you’re meeting with will introduce you to other individuals.

(If you truly need to improve your social skills, I prepared another post with more in-depth instructions on how to do so.)

3. How to follow up with busy individuals so that you may interact with them

When interacting with busy individuals, the most common error is just not doing so.

The second-worst error is FAILURE TO FOLLOW UP. Do you know how many people have invited me out to coffee, given me 30 minutes of their time to “pick my brain,” and then disappeared? I wasn’t looking for a one-night stand! I was looking for commitment!!

What does a VIP expect from someone who seeks his counsel? He doesn’t need your financial assistance or introductions. Those he already possesses.

A VIP wants to hear that you took his counsel and put it into practice.

Consider this: If I meet with someone and they write back to say, “Hey Ramit, thanks for your time, particularly for pointing out the [GENIUS POINT I MADE],” it’s a win-win situation. I accepted what you stated and contacted Beth Jones and Mike Smith, who informed me of [AWESOME ACCOMPLISHMENT]. That enabled me to get a $3,000 increase and Fridays off”…

That is more valuable than any money he could offer me. It’s also the first step in developing a connection.

Why go through all that work if you’re just going to meet a VIP over the phone, via email, or in-person?

And then squander the opportunity by failing to follow up?

I’ll explain why: When we speak with a VIP, a voice in the back of our brains whispers, “There’s no way I can assist this person.” He has more money than I do, a larger email list, and is much more knowledgeable about (whatever) than I am. I should simply listen to his counsel and then stop bothering him.”

This is the WRONG way to go about it.

Despite this, everyone does it. You will be a nuisance if you feel you are bothering the individual. The fact is that busy individuals yearn to mentor and assist those who are ready to act. Unfortunately, most individuals will not act on what others say because they are too busy.

The Closing The Loop Technique allows you to maintain contact with someone you’ve met once and transform a one-time encounter into a long-term connection. If you utilize this method, you won’t come out as sleazy, slimy, or scammy since you’re putting their needs ahead of your own.

It’s important to note that a mere “thank you” statement is insufficient. That’s what everyone sends! It’s become a prerequisite for entry. How can you go above and above to entice the VIP to assist you? Using the Closing the Loop Method. It’s a three-step communication approach for staying in touch with — or “closing the loop” — a VIP.

With examples of emails and my analysis, here’s how it works:

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1. Send a thank-you email to the person who helped you (same day)

Hello, Steve.

I just wanted to thank you again for taking the time to meet with me earlier. I’m going to contact Susan as soon as possible, as you suggested. I’ll keep you updated, and please let me know if there’s anything I can do to reciprocate your kindness!


[RAMIT’S ANALYSIS: Note the basic thank you and the mention of a particular action item you’ll follow up on (demonstrating that you were paying attention throughout the meeting/call). This email concludes with a pleasant offer of assistance and makes no demands on the VIP.]

2. Send a value-added email (1-2 weeks later)

Hello, Steve.

I came to see this story in the Wall Street Journal that reminded me of your comments regarding productivity testing! There’s no need to respond; I simply thought you might be interested.


[RAMIT’S EXAMINATION: Things start to get interesting in this email. You’re delivering a useful piece of content — an article, blog post, picture, or anything — that you KNOW he’ll find fascinating in this email. Because nearly no one responds to more than one email, the VIP is unlikely to anticipate a response from you.

How can you know what would pique his interest? Because you paid attention and made good notes throughout the meeting.

Finally, pay particular attention to the term “no answer required” in the final sentence. This is like music to the ears of a busy person. Consider this: I get over 1000 emails every day, and do you know what most of them are looking for? They’re looking for something from me. You’re bringing value to my life when you can say “No response required” and send me something amazing.]

3. Send a follow-up email to them on what you’ve done with their advice (2-3 weeks later)

Hello, Steve.

I just wanted to update you: I spoke with Susan, and you were correct – Acme is a perfect match for me. Before I apply, I’m reaching out to a buddy there to learn all about Acme. There may be others I should speak to.

Thank you once again! I’ll keep you updated on how thoughts proceed.


[RAMIT’S ANALYSIS: Here, you demonstrate to the VIP that you followed his advice. Whether you notice that you use certain names, let him know if he is correct (or even if you chose something different than his recommendation). This will set you apart from 99 % of the population.

Two non-obvious things are going on in the final three sentences. [Are you able to find them?]

The Closing, the Loop Technique’s simplicity, conceals its power. It seems straightforward and clear until you put it to use. Then it reveals its actual force.

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My 5 Word-for-Word Scripts for Writing Effective Emails

The five word-for-word email scripts I promised are included in the PDF below:

  1. How to conduct an in-depth interview.
  2. How to ask for referrals for individuals to speak with.
  3. How to ask a stranger for help through cold email.
  4. Writing a proposal for a consultancy job or a job interview
  5. Get to know individuals in your workplace by reaching out to them.

These five email scripts are from my book 50 Proven Email Scripts.

Try out the scripts, and let me know how you get on!